8 days to go, can you stand it?! Some have left already ... sob's. We're fired up. I have been buried in details but, as it does, dawn is breaking and I can see Tropical Paradise on the horizon.
Nothing really new in this email for those who like to go with less info. Be at the base around 1100 on Mon 23 May.
If you are arriving by plane the morning of StS, the charter base airport shuttle will try to meet you at the airport. If you don't see it, take a cab. If you are staying on Raiatea the night before, have your hotel will tell you the best way to get to marina Apooiti.
If you are arriving by plane the morning of StS, the charter base airport shuttle will try to meet you at the airport. If you don't see it, take a cab. If you are staying on Raiatea the night before, have your hotel will tell you the best way to get to marina Apooiti.
You should arrive at the base at Apooiti around 1100. Most of the prep should be done by then. When you get to there find a skipper. They will have blue Lats & Atts hats on. They will have the current crew lists and point out your skipper. Your skipper will answer your questions and let you know when it is ok to board the boat. Some boats won't be ready until noon. Please do not bother the base staff, we have 80 people and 11 boats. We want the base staff to focus on releasing our boats.
Before you board the boat you may want to take a trip to the store in Uturoa, Raiatea to pick up any special items: snacks and booze. A case of beer will be on the boat but that doesn't usually make it out of the harbor. Base suggestion: "As most hard liquor is expensive in Tahiti it is suggested the clients bring in duty free up to 2 liters per person."
Lats & Atts International Party at Bloody Marys
Saturday evening we will be at Bloody Marys for the big event. Eric Stone will be playing and there will be drink specials and some soft sand dance floor action. Time to be announced on the cruise. Before the party, Bloody Marys is hosting a private dinner for us and any local cruisers we invite. BM's is a high end restaurant. To make it more affordable, Rick is offering our Shailors a buffet of local catches and dishes for 4000 cfp (about $48). There will be a drink special and a L&A discount of 300cfp on must have to piss off friends at home - BM shirts. The concert/dancing is free of course.
Saturday evening we will be at Bloody Marys for the big event. Eric Stone will be playing and there will be drink specials and some soft sand dance floor action. Time to be announced on the cruise. Before the party, Bloody Marys is hosting a private dinner for us and any local cruisers we invite. BM's is a high end restaurant. To make it more affordable, Rick is offering our Shailors a buffet of local catches and dishes for 4000 cfp (about $48). There will be a drink special and a L&A discount of 300cfp on must have to piss off friends at home - BM shirts. The concert/dancing is free of course.
I'm going to give you the crew lists as they stand now - subject to change.
Sunsail Boats
Skipper Bob and Jody Bitchin
Glenn and Sherry Bishop: 23 May Air Tahiti #360 at 0845
Tom and Lynn Cray: 23May #492 arrive 0830
Tabitha Lipkin and bf
Skipper Tom and Sharon Brownell: 23May Air Tahiti 0830
Jim and Vicki Norman: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Patricia Zajack: La Pirogue on Tahaa. Will ferry over.
Mike and Tammy Anderson: 21May #vt438 arrive 1135
Skipper Neil Flynn: no arrival details
Ellen Baird: Sunset Beach Motel
Hilary Aven: Sunset Beach Motel
Robert Engle: 22May, no hotel given
Albert Honaker: 23May Air Tahiti VT492 at 0830
Wes and Lee George: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Tahiti Yacht Charter Boats
Skipper Woody and Dena
Chuck and Ann Stewart: no arrival info
Wayne and Terri Gott: 23May Air Tahiti #VT492 arr 0830
Mike and Kimber: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Skipper Mike and Sue Morgan: 23May Tahiti Nui #492 arr 0900
Tom Lunsford: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Dave and Carol Faith: Sunset Beach
John Carlton, Darlene Norring: Sunset Beach
Skipper Eric and Kim Stone: no arrival info
Bob and Ruth Ging: Hawaiki Nui Raiatea
Dennis and Jane Stock: Raitea Hawaiki Nui
Clay and Kendra Buford: 23May VT492 arrive 0830
Skipper Zuzana Prochazka: 23May Air Tahiti #492 arr 0900
Joe and Betty Deneault: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Bill and Mary Hughes: 23 May Air Tahiti #360 arrive 0845
Doug and Michele Skeans: Vahine Island Resort
Skipper Adam Ellis: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Brandon Durbin, Jerri Wilson: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Larry and Barbara Gamble: 22May #446 at 1725, Bellevue B&B
Robert Smith: no arrival info
Skipper Doug and Wendy: Raiatea Hawaiki Nui Hotel
Terry and Marlene Storry: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Chuck and Lynn Lenschow: Raiatea Hawaiki Nui
Dane and Danica: no arrival info
Skipper John and Sandy and their crew
Skipper Bronco and his crew
Base info:
Sunsail Boats
Skipper Bob and Jody Bitchin
Glenn and Sherry Bishop: 23 May Air Tahiti #360 at 0845
Tom and Lynn Cray: 23May #492 arrive 0830
Tabitha Lipkin and bf
Skipper Tom and Sharon Brownell: 23May Air Tahiti 0830
Jim and Vicki Norman: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Patricia Zajack: La Pirogue on Tahaa. Will ferry over.
Mike and Tammy Anderson: 21May #vt438 arrive 1135
Skipper Neil Flynn: no arrival details
Ellen Baird: Sunset Beach Motel
Hilary Aven: Sunset Beach Motel
Robert Engle: 22May, no hotel given
Albert Honaker: 23May Air Tahiti VT492 at 0830
Wes and Lee George: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Tahiti Yacht Charter Boats
Skipper Woody and Dena
Chuck and Ann Stewart: no arrival info
Wayne and Terri Gott: 23May Air Tahiti #VT492 arr 0830
Mike and Kimber: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Skipper Mike and Sue Morgan: 23May Tahiti Nui #492 arr 0900
Tom Lunsford: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Dave and Carol Faith: Sunset Beach
John Carlton, Darlene Norring: Sunset Beach
Skipper Eric and Kim Stone: no arrival info
Bob and Ruth Ging: Hawaiki Nui Raiatea
Dennis and Jane Stock: Raitea Hawaiki Nui
Clay and Kendra Buford: 23May VT492 arrive 0830
Skipper Zuzana Prochazka: 23May Air Tahiti #492 arr 0900
Joe and Betty Deneault: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Bill and Mary Hughes: 23 May Air Tahiti #360 arrive 0845
Doug and Michele Skeans: Vahine Island Resort
Skipper Adam Ellis: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Brandon Durbin, Jerri Wilson: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Larry and Barbara Gamble: 22May #446 at 1725, Bellevue B&B
Robert Smith: no arrival info
Skipper Doug and Wendy: Raiatea Hawaiki Nui Hotel
Terry and Marlene Storry: Raiatea Lodge Hotel
Chuck and Lynn Lenschow: Raiatea Hawaiki Nui
Dane and Danica: no arrival info
Skipper John and Sandy and their crew
Skipper Bronco and his crew
Marina Apooiti
Raiatea (40 minutes de/ from Tahiti by air)
Raiatea (40 minutes de/ from Tahiti by air)
BP 860 - 98 735 Uturoa-Raiatea Tel +689 450 400- Fax +689 66 28 85
Email :
Tel (689) 66 28 86
Fax (689) 66 28 85
VHF 69
Email :
Tel (689) 66 28 86
Fax (689) 66 28 85
VHF 69
Sunsail - same address. No contact info given, that's how they roll.
Fun info about the big island of Tahiti:
My experience with the island of Moorea:
For sure do the bike ride around the island if you have a full day. They have a perfect road that runs along the water. There is also a steep hike that takes you to a lookout that oversees the Bali Hai peak and the two anchorages. Tourist buses go there too. Moorea has a Club Med if you're into that sort of thing. It used to be $30 for the day. Lunch had all you could drink beer and wine. And then there are 10's of activities to play with.